Designations, Credentials & Affiliations


ESG for 401(k) Plan Advisors Certificate Program

Nonqualified Plan Advisor Certificate Course



About AIFA

Keith Mayfield with Planit Financial has earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst (AIFA) Designation through Fi360.  An AIFA® designee’s function is to perform assessments of a Qualified Plan's conformance to a Global Fiduciary Standard of Excellence. 

The AIFA designation is required to perform a CEFEX Fiduciary Certification through CEFEX.  This provides independent recognition of a fiduciary’s conformity to fiduciary Practices and Criteria.”

AIFA Designees have acquired a thorough knowledge of fiduciary responsibility and can be an invaluable resource to investment fiduciaries and individual investors alike.  An AIFA designation represents that person’s knowledge of a Global Fiduciary Standard of Excellence and their application of the global standard into their own practice.  An AIFA Designee has received specialized training on applying the fiduciary standards to assess conformity to the standard of excellence. In other words, the expertise needed to support or audit a plan against Fiduciary standards.  

AIFA® designees possess the ability and knowledge to advise clients of deficiencies in investment processes. 

With this designation, Keith has demonstrated that he has the in-depth knowledge and credentials to consult with clients on how to design, implement, and monitor their rollover processes

More about AIFA


About CPFA ®

Keith Mayfield with Planit has earned the Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor designation through the American Retirement Association National Association of Plan Advisors.  

 The Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA) credential — developed by some of the nation’s leading advisors and retirement plan experts — demonstrates your knowledge, expertise and commitment to working with retirement plans. 

Plan advisors who earn their CPFA demonstrate the expertise required to act as a plan fiduciary or help plan fiduciaries manage their roles and responsibilities. 

More about CPFA  


About CFS®

The CFS™ designation is not only one of the most respected designation in the industry, it’s also among the most transformational. With CFS™ knowledge and strategies, you master the tools that your clients need most and set yourself apart from competitors.

Some goals of the CFS:  

Show clients how investments can be understood and categorized.  

Explain when indexing should be used and when active management is the best approach.

Identify alternative investments.

Discover effective substitutes for money market and high-yield bond funds.

More about CFS

Non-Qualified Plan Advisor Certificate

About the Nonqualified Plan Advisor Certificate Course offered by the National Association of Plan Advisors

The Nonqualified course covers basic through advanced features and fundamentals of Nonqualified (Executive Bonus) plans including:

Nonqualified Plan Fundamentals: Key Features of Nonqualified Plans:   Advantages of Nonqualified Plans:  Confirming Client Fit:  Nonqualified Plan Rules: Documentation: Reporting and Disclosure etc...

More about NAPA

ESG Investing for 401(k) Plan Advisors Certificate

About the Environmental, Social, Governance Investing for 401(k) Plan Advisors Certificate Program offered by the National Association of Plan Advisors:

NAPA’s ESG(k) Certificate Program focuses on a 401(k) advisor’s knowledge of ESG investing, allowing them to incorporate ESG investing into their practice. 

The program prepares advisors to:

Speak to clients and prospects related to ESG investments.  Recognize how fiduciary obligations apply to the analysis of ESG investments.  Distinguish the principal strategies for incorporating ESG factors into the investment process.  Demonstrate how investment strategies align with fiduciary duties under ERISA.  etc...

More about NAPA

Planit Affiliation with Fi360

About Fi360     

The fiduciary standard of care drives every single thing we do as a company. Our vision is to have all investors' wealth and retirement accounts managed by a fiduciary who has the credentials and tools to back up their work. We believe in this ideal so fervently, we created the Fi360 Prudent Practices®. These are the sacred doctrines that guide our work so the members of our community can feel confident they are putting their clients' best interests first.

Planit Financial has earned the FI360 Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst designation and actively follows guidance from FI360 as the pension industries Fiduciary thought leader.

More about Fi360



CEFEX is an independent global assessment and certification organization. It works closely with investment fiduciaries and industry experts to provide comprehensive assessment programs to improve risk management for institutional and retail investors. CEFEX certification helps determine the trustworthiness of investment fiduciaries.

Planit Financial has earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst designation. This is the most stringent Fiduciary designation available for 401k Services. It is offered through fi360 in conjunction with CEFE

More about CEFEX


About ARA

The American Retirement Association is comprised of five premier retirement industry associations; the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA), the ASPPA College of Pension Actuaries (ACOPA), the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA), the National Tax-deferred Savings Association (NTSA), and the Plan Sponsor Council of America (PSCA).

The American Retirement Association offers its 20,000+ members extensive educational opportunities, paired with a strong advocacy operation that puts us at the center of any legislative debate or policy discussion. Our educational opportunities through the Retirement Plan Academy include robust credentialing, certificate and continuing education programs, along with the best lineup of conferences and networking opportunities in the industry.

More about the American Retirement Association.


The National Association of Plan Advisors was created for retirement plan advisors.  NAPA is the only advocacy group exclusively focused on the issues that matter to retirement plan advisors.

As a professional society, NAPA is uniquely committed to seven core principles of advisors serving employer-sponsored retirement plans:

  1. The retirement industry is in transition and NAPA is a leader for positive change.
  2. NAPA’s core purpose is to enhance retirement security in America.
  3. NAPA members focus on providing high quality, professional advice to retirement plans and/or their participants.
  4. NAPA members are committed to leading the transition to a more transparent, effective, professionally governed retirement system.
  5. NAPA members may serve as either fiduciaries or non-fiduciaries, but are committed to clearly disclosing their fiduciary or non-fiduciary status to their ERISA retirement plan clients.
  6. NAPA members pledge to comply with all requirements relating to retirement plans that are or will be required by the SEC, DOL, or any other governing agencies.
  7. NAPA members pledge to maintain ethical standards in their representation of plan sponsor and participant clients and will strive to service them under a process that puts their clients’ interests first.

NAPA promotes three valuable benefits: advocacy, business intelligence, and networking – all designed to keep plan advisors in the forefront of the industry and help them succeed.

More about NAPA

About CFS

The CFS™ designation is not only one of the most respected designation in the industry, it’s also among the most transformational. With CFS™ knowledge and strategies, you master the tools that your clients need most and set yourself apart from competitors.

Some goals of the CFS:  

Show clients how investments can be understood and categorized.  

Explain when indexing should be used and when active management is the best approach.

Identify alternative investments.

Discover effective substitutes for money market and high-yield bond funds.

More about CFS